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Current Research Projects

Current Research Projects

Simulating Human Motion in Lightweight Flexible Material Handling

My dissertation research involves developing mathematical models to predict hand motions and body postures in reach movement tasks that involve handling continuous material (e.g., thread, films, ribbons, etc.). We will implement these models into digital human modeling software (DHM) which allows users to simulate tasks performed by the worker in order to determine potential areas of the workstation that might pose as a risk to the worker population. This project is funded by Proctor and Gamble Inc.


Project Objectives:

  • Predict postures, hand grasps, and motion trajectories for threading operations

  • Investigate relationship between task precision demands and task performance


Past Research Projects

Past Research Projects

Differentiation of Central Versus Peripheral Fatigue in Parkinson's Disease

Project Objectives:

  • To determine the causes of muscle fatigue in people who have Parkinson's disease and in people who are aging. 

Effect of flooring on lower extremity discomfort and fatigue during long-term standing/walking

Project Objectives:

  • Investigate the association between muscle oxygenation and fatigue during long-term standing using NIRS



Conference Proceedings​

  1. Haney, J., Wang, T., D'Souza, C., Jones, M. L. H. & Reed, M. (Accepted, 2018). Modeling Hand Trajectories during Sequential Reach Movements in a Pulley Threading Task. Proceedings of the 62nd Annual Meeting of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society. Philadelphia, PA.​​​​​​                                                                                                                                                  

  2. Haney, J., Wang, T., D'Souza, C., Jones, M. L. H. & Reed, M. (2017). Spatial and Temporal Patterns in Sequential Precision Reach Movements. To appear in the Proceedings of the 61st Annual Meeting of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society. Austin, Texas.​                                   

  3. Haney, J., Owczarczak, M., D'Souza, C., Jones, M. L. H. & Reed, M. (2016). A Pilot Study of the Effects of Pulley Location and Design Parameters on Hand Movements during Pulley Threading Operations. Proceedings of the 60th Annual Meeting of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society. Washington, D.C.



Conference Presentations

  1. Haney, J., Wang, T., D'Souza, C., Jones, M. L. H. & Reed, M. Modeling Hand Trajectories during Sequential Reach Movements in a Pulley Threading Task. Proceedings of the 62nd Annual Meeting of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society. Philadelphia, PA.​​​​​​                                           

  2. Haney, J., Wang, T., D'Souza, C., Jones, M. L. H. & Reed, M. (2017). Spatial and Temporal Patterns in Sequential Precision Reach Movements. Proceedings of the 61st Annual Meeting of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society. Austin, Texas.​​                                                                     

  3. Haney, J., Owczarczak, M., D'Souza, C., Jones, M. L. H. & Reed, M. (2016). A Pilot Study of the Effects of Pulley Location and Design Parameters on Hand Movements during Pulley Threading Operations. Proceedings of the 60th Annual Meeting of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society. Washington, D.C.                                                                                                                   

  4. Katsavelis D., Haney J., Nun L., Threlkeld A. (2016). Persistence of motor unit firing in people with Parkinson's disease-related fatigue. American Physical Therapy Association Combined Sections Meeting. Conference Abstract. Anaheim, CA.                                                                     

  5. Scharmann A., Donnelly M., Haney J., Threlkeld A. (2016). Knee Flexion during Resisted Side Stepping Decreases Tensor Fascia Lata Muscle Activation. American Physical Therapy Association Combined Sections Meeting. Conference Abstract. Anaheim, CA                                         

  6. Haney J., Redfern M.S., Huppert T., Chambers A.J. (2014). The effect of flooring on muscle oxygenation during long-term walking using near infrared spectroscopy. Poster presented at World Congress of Biomechanics. Boston, MA.                                                                                 

  7. Haney J., Redfern M.S., Huppert T., Chambers A.J. (2014). The effect of flooring on soleus muscle oxygenation during long-term standing using near infrared spectroscopy. Poster presented at the Midwest American Society of Biomechanics Regional Conference. Akron, OH            

  8. Haney J., Redfern M.S., Huppert T., Chambers A.J. (2013). Effects of prolonged standing on oxygen saturation in the soleus and erector spinae muscles of the lower back using near infrared spectroscopy. Poster presented at the American Society of Biomechanics Conference. Omaha, NE.

Symposium Presentations

  1. Haney, J., Wang, T., D'Souza, C., Jones, M. L. H. & Reed, M. (2018). Modeling Hand Trajectories during Sequential Reach Movements in a Pulley Threading Task. Poster presented at the Education and Research Center Regional Research Symposium. Chicago, IL.                    

  2. Haney, J., Wang, T., D'Souza, C., Jones, M. L. H. & Reed, M. (2017). Hand Movement Kinematics during Sequential Precision Reach Tasks. Poster presented at the Education and Research Center Regional Research Symposium.                                                                                       

  3. Haney, J., Owczarczak, M., D'Souza, C., Jones, M. L. H. & Reed, M. (2016). Effects of Task Variables on Hand Movement Kinematics during Sequential Precision Reach Tasks. Poster presented at the UM: Center for Occupational Health & Safety Engineering Research Symposium.                                                                                                                                                  

  4. Owczarczak, M., Haney, J., D'Souza, C., Jones, M. L. H. & Reed, M. (2016). Validating a Static Hand Grasp Posture in Precision Reach Tasks. Poster presented at the UM: Center for Occupational Health & Safety Engineering Research Symposium.                                                               

University of Michigan

Department of Industrial and 

Operations Engineering

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